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Square End cap cartridge rau vuam plua plav

Lim Qib:Hepa FilterPre lim

Khoom siv nruab nrab:FiberglassMicrofiberPaperSynthetic Fiber Manfre lim tuaj yeem ua raws li koj qhov xav tau

    Feem ntau ntawm cov lim cartridges yog siv los lim cov plua plav uas muaj roj. Peb hu ua plua plav lim cartridge (tom qab no hu ua lim cartridge). Nws feem ntau yog tsim los ntawm lub nplhaib sib khi, lub hau kawg, lub cev pob txha thiab cov khoom siv lim. Lub hau kawg thiab cov khoom lim yog glued ua ke. Cov khoom ntawm lub nplhaib sealing feem ntau yog EPDM roj hmab. Qhov kawg npog thiab cov pob txha pob txha feem ntau yog ua los ntawm cov hlau. Cov khoom yog galvanized thiab stainless hlau. Lub cev pob txha ntawm lub elongated lim cartridge tuaj yeem ua los ntawm cov yas. Filter cartridge teej tug mus rau saum npoo ntawm lub lim cartridge, uas yog tsim los ntawm ib tug mesh lim fiber ntau nto ntaub so ntswg los cuam tshuam cov pa roj permeable particulate teeb meem. Common lim cartridge lim cov ntaub ntawv yog ntoo pulp lim ntawv thiab polyester fiber nonwoven ntaub.


    1. Cov yam ntxwv ntawm kev tsim qauv
    cellulose / cellulose + fiber iav hluavtaws khoom / polyester / polyester + cellulose.
    2. Kev piav qhia ua haujlwm
    A. dav pleat width.top xav tau ib tug gasket, tab sis hauv qab tsis.
    B. High filtration efficiency, nyob rau hauv 40m3 / h huab cua raws, nws los txog rau 99.9% rau 2um ~ 10um
    3. Daim ntawv thov teb
    oxygen cog, qhov cub blower, cua compressor chaw nres tsheb, fais fab nroj tsuag (air intake filtration), haum rau lub tshuab txhawb nqa.
    peb tuaj yeem hloov cov khoom tsim nyog ntawm GE, AAF, NORDIC
    Peb yuav kho cov ntxaij lim dej raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau hauv ntau qhov sib txawv los ntawm tus qauv loj mus rau qhov tshwj xeeb xaj loj.


    66165951d3f5517613 ua 0

    Siv Tau Kev Lag Luam

    Cement / Khoom noj khoom haus / Pharmaceutical / av nplaum sib tsoo
    Cov khw muag khoom siv hauv tsev, chaw tsim khoom, chaw tsim khoom, chaw kho tshuab, ua liaj ua teb, khw muag khoom, khw muag khoom noj, khw luam ntawv, kev tsim vaj tsev, hluav taws xob & mining, khw muag khoom noj & dej haus

    Khoom cim npe

    Plua plav Collector Cylindrical Cua Lim
    Cylindrical Fiber ntau
    Cellulose / Polyester fiberglass Lim
    Square End CapCua Lim Cartridge

    Ntim & Shipping

    1.Carton sab hauv, ntoo sab nraud, nruab nrab ntim
    2.Raws li koj xav tau
    3.Los ntawm kev nthuav qhia thoob ntiaj teb, huab cua thiab hiav txwv
    4.Shipment chaw nres nkoj: Shanghai los yog lwm yam Suav ports